Professionally I am a conservationist, qualified in Environmental science, currently managing heathland Sites of Special Scientific Interest found in the South of England, but if you met my younger, more attractive self, you would of never guessed that I would be protecting British reptiles from decline 20+ years later. 
In my teens I was a dancer, reaching the highest grades (Grade 8) in Modern, and Tap through the British Theatre & Dance Association. My theatre experience also included many years in Acro, Ballet, singing and acting, which I showcased in numerous performances through the 80s & 90s. But I also had a strong passion for the Sciences which resulted in my odd mix of A-Levels at College, finally culminating in one A-Level in Drama and the equivalent of 2 A-Levels in Science. As I transitioned to University I decided to leave the spotlight, so I spent three years completing a Visual/Media Arts Degree, which developed my new found passions of Photography, Graphic Arts and Video editing. By my graduation, I was certain I wanted to move to London to pursue a career as an editor for TV and film, but by complete accident I got a job in Conservation to save for this move to the big city. But, the natural world found on my own doorstep, was so wonderful, beautiful and hypnotic, that I completely forgot to pursue my other, now distant dream of eventually editing big budget Hollywood films! 
I have no regrets, and I am very satisfied with the life paths I ended up travelling, and as you can see from my Graphic art and Photography, I still have passion, love and admiration for all things Dance, Science and Nature. Thanks for taking your time to learn a little about me, and I hope you have enjoyed my work as much as I enjoyed creating it.
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